Grade 6 – Exploring Animation, Stop Motion and Digital Art.

I was so incredibly happy with this small unit because it gave the students a chance to play with traditional painting, digital painting, animation, stop motion and GreenScreen skills. In the end, there was even total student choice, which kept everyone happy. GALAXY PAINTING The students began by looking at galaxy photos and exploring sponge,... Continue Reading →

The POWER of Art – G8

PART 1 I wrote EARLIER about the grade 8 students using composition, observation, and toning skills to complete these beautiful skeletons. PART 2 BACKGROUNDS AND TECHNIQUES. As an introduction to mixed-media the students were given 3 different techniques, step by step. Once they completed these small one-lesson tasks they were ready for part 3 of the final task which... Continue Reading →

PLEASE Purchase Our Book, G8

OUR SHOP IS OPEN AND WE NEED YOUR HELP.......PLEASE. The grade 8 art students have been working very hard, over the last 14 weeks on a collaboration with Commack Middle School, New York. They also connected with an author/illustrator from Australia, Graeme Base. "It is wonderful to see the many ways ‘Animalia' has touched people... Continue Reading →

Zen and Tone in Grade 6

Our sketchbook covers are complete! After creating their digital art the students then created a graffiti name in their sketchbooks. They were assessed on overlapping letters, details, colouring and presentation skills. Some students pushed their work to a higher level by adding a shadow. The names were then photographed, and superimposed on top of their digital... Continue Reading →

“My Home” Photos, Painting and Quote is COMPLETE!

Most students have finished their home paintings. To read more about this task please click HERE and HERE. For homework I had the students create 5-10 image movies explaining the stories behind their top photos. This really makes the paintings very personal. I am so happy with the results. Please take time to hear the student's stories.... Continue Reading →

Portraits and Apps G6

In Grade 6 we have been studying portraiture, in particular Expressionist portraits. The students learnt about the meaning of colour and its connection to mood. They chose a dominant cool or warm colour scheme and experimented with oil pastel blending. Some students chose markers instead. The background had to use contrasting tints and was painted with a wide... Continue Reading →

Realism To Abstraction With iPads G7

CONGRATULATIONS this has been a very long but extremely successful unit. As mentioned in a previous post the students created realistic animal eyes in chalk. After giving peer feedback using Lifecards and reflecting on Tellagami, they abstracted their eye using the following iPad apps: FlipOMatic, GlobePhoto and Megaphoto. 15 images were collated and the top 4 were... Continue Reading →

Awesome Complimentary Collages By Grade 6

Our stunning complimentary colour collages are complete and on display in the gallery downstairs. Please take time to stop, look and reflect upon the students hard work. The focus of this unit was not only learning, recognizing and applying the rules of portraiture but was also understanding "line variation", "texture", "collage" and "secondary colours". The students... Continue Reading →

Traditional Versus Digital Printing With iPads In Grade 8

My grade 8 students have been experimenting with printmaking techniques, collage and incorporating the iPads. Some students had never printed before so they had the theme of "nature" and explored a variety of techniques from printing with zip lock bags, hot glue and polystyrene trays. The trays allowed us to look at how to achieve a clean print,... Continue Reading →

Goodbye Grade 6 Q3

I can't believe how fast this quarter has gone. The students have done a brilliant job creating their Analogous mask paintings with a complimentary background. They designed, planned, painted, manipulated and evaluated their work. Once the painting was complete they explored the following iPad apps: Percolator, Snapseed, Grungtastic, and FlipOMatic then they created a collage... Continue Reading →

Georgia O’Keeffe Transforms with iPads

After completing their spectacular Georgia O'Keeffe oil pastel paintings the grade 7 students were required to complete the process by creating a manipulated artwork using layers in SketchbookX with a variety of other exciting apps. We began this task by exploring a variety of apps such as Percolator, FlipOMatic, SnapSeed, Grungetastic and Typedrawing. Every piece of... Continue Reading →

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