Grade 6 – Exploring Animation, Stop Motion and Digital Art.

I was so incredibly happy with this small unit because it gave the students a chance to play with traditional painting, digital painting, animation, stop motion and GreenScreen skills. In the end, there was even total student choice, which kept everyone happy. GALAXY PAINTING The students began by looking at galaxy photos and exploring sponge,... Continue Reading →

Landscape Painting & Environmental Issues Posters, G8

An Extension of a Landscape unit. I wrote previously about the steps leading up to the final paintings, which you can read about HERE. However, this is a sample of student documentation using Google Slides: LENA GIULIANO A Brief Summary Learning about Distance and the Planes of a Landscape The students learnt about foreground, background... Continue Reading →

Realism To Abstraction With iPads G7

CONGRATULATIONS this has been a very long but extremely successful unit. As mentioned in a previous post the students created realistic animal eyes in chalk. After giving peer feedback using Lifecards and reflecting on Tellagami, they abstracted their eye using the following iPad apps: FlipOMatic, GlobePhoto and Megaphoto. 15 images were collated and the top 4 were... Continue Reading →

Traditional Versus Digital Printing With iPads In Grade 8

My grade 8 students have been experimenting with printmaking techniques, collage and incorporating the iPads. Some students had never printed before so they had the theme of "nature" and explored a variety of techniques from printing with zip lock bags, hot glue and polystyrene trays. The trays allowed us to look at how to achieve a clean print,... Continue Reading →

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