Vietnam Inspired Hats & AR, G7

The grade 7 students have successfully completed their painting unit. They began the process by brainstorming on the traditions, values and beliefs of Vietnam. They considered for example: celebrations, foods, destinations, clothing, housing, transport, and landscapes. They considered and researched how Vietnam is perceived from a travel agent, artist and local. All documentation was collated... Continue Reading →

G7 Animated Tonal Light Bulbs are Complete WE HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED THIS VERY SUCCESSFUL DRAWING & ANIMATION UNIT The students began by looking at value (tone) in art history. They then watched a video and copied the 6 most commonly used techniques: hatching, cross-hatching, blending, rendering, squiggling and cross-contour. The next step was to learn how to recognise and count the... Continue Reading →

Grade 7 Birdcage Sculptures, Part 1

Prior Learning: "BUILDING SKILLS AND CONCEPTS"  - were written in a previous post HERE. Now, the students are hard at work building their birdcage sculptures. Some students have been very fast while others are focusing on the smaller details. The students were reminded of the main techniques introduced earlier, and encouraged to use tutorials when needed.... Continue Reading →

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