Animating with DoInk, G6 The grade 6 students studied the art of Ted Harrison. They discussed their observations, jotted down questions and by the end, were very confident describing his fabulous style. I really enjoy using this artwork for inspiration because of the simplification of shapes, layering of values, and the opportunity to teach about landscape art. The... Continue Reading →

G7 Animated Tonal Light Bulbs are Complete WE HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED THIS VERY SUCCESSFUL DRAWING & ANIMATION UNIT The students began by looking at value (tone) in art history. They then watched a video and copied the 6 most commonly used techniques: hatching, cross-hatching, blending, rendering, squiggling and cross-contour. The next step was to learn how to recognise and count the... Continue Reading →

Grade 6 – Exploring Animation, Stop Motion and Digital Art.

I was so incredibly happy with this small unit because it gave the students a chance to play with traditional painting, digital painting, animation, stop motion and GreenScreen skills. In the end, there was even total student choice, which kept everyone happy. GALAXY PAINTING The students began by looking at galaxy photos and exploring sponge,... Continue Reading →

G7 Birdcage Sculptures and Animations

This post is part 2, part 1 is: Surrealist Birdcages The students were absolutely incredible with this unit. They planned, researched, critiqued, collaborated, documented, evaluated, exhibited and animated! It doesn't get better than that for an art teacher. The students would arrive to class highly motivated and extremely focused. It really was phenomenal. Here are... Continue Reading →

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